Tina Rawson Art

Welcome to my colorful world of contemporary paintings. My name is Tina Rawson and I am a Swedish-American artist who is passionate about creating vibrant paintings that captivate and capture memories. As a female artist and educator, I believe in the power of art to connect people and spark meaningful conversations.
​Thank you to everyone who came to my moving sale.
It feels good to be home.
Onward and upward in 2025!
I really appreciate each and everyone of you. Check out my new prints, and my new service: home staging to figure out how and where to best hang them! I'll bring multiples and you pick the one you like best. ​
Call 978-395-5567 or email tinastart2art@gmail.com
It is FREE and FUN!

Color, movement and joy sum up my work. I love being outside in nature and capturing that moment. Right now I'm exploring nature and simple joys of the season, click Artwork Archive to buy a beautiful piece of art online, shop here for smaller pieces and merch, visit my studio or see a show. I will bring my art to your home too so you can play with what works where.
Prints can be bought here too by emailing me, take a look here/ And at the shop you can also buy smaller lessons, gift cards and more. I love sharing my art with people so don't hesitate to ask or reach out if you'd like a commissioned piece - the ultimate gift.
Have a colorful day!
The Start 2 Art Studio
My home studio is in Newburyport, please call for the address at 978-395-5567 or let me come to you with a selection of beautiful pieces of art and prints to chose from!
Retreat 2025
Consider this summer as your turn to fly and reclaim childlike wonder in the beauty of nature, the feeling of the ocean, and the fun of hanging out with friends. Relax and paint with me a weekend in RI. We will be there for an extended weekend in June, please let me know when works for you. All levels of artists are welcome, women and trans-inclusive females only. Read more about me and reach out with questions.

Teacher, Artist, Swedish-American
Art is my preferred mode of expression. I love color, texture and playing with ideas.
I am a teacher by training and experience, a mother by choice and an artist by dint of lots of hard work and lucky genes.
My mother, grandfather, and great aunt were all visual artists; and so are my children.
I appreciate all of the arts, and love sharing it with others, whether it be through a beautiful painting, a commissioned piece, a live event painting a workshop or a kids class. I also held a beautiful Swedish Folk Art retreat in August at Adelynrood!